News Releases
Date:2024-04-09 Read times: Font size:[ L M S ]

April 3rd to 5th, 2024 saw the grand opening of MILIPOL ASIA PACIFIC 2024, at the Sands Expo and Convention Centre in Singapore. Organized by the Ministry of Home Affairs' Science and Technology Agency under the theme "Embracing a Secure Future," the event attracted approximately 350 companies from around the world.

The MILIPOL Asia Pacific Exhibition is considered the most influential exhibition in the military police sectors within the Asia-Pacific region. As the sole Chinese defense trade exhibitor, NORINCO meticulously planned its exhibition tailored to regional market demands, prominently showcasing comprehensive system solutions in border surveillance, disaster mitigation and relief, cybersecurity, smart safe city initiatives, and overseas applications of the BeiDou Navigation Satellite System. Additionally, the company displayed practical equipment such as police body-worn cameras, drug and explosive detection devices, intelligent surveillance systems, and BeiDou positioning devices. To more vividly demonstrate its strengths in non-traditional security technologies, the company's team created an immersive interactive scenario that featured real-time personnel identification and comparison. This innovative exhibit successfully captured the attention of a substantial number of professional attendees, prompting them to stop by, observe, and engage in hands-on interaction.

During the exhibition, NORINCO's team welcomed high-level official delegations from the Chinese Embassy in Singapore, the Ministry of Home Affairs of Singapore, and over ten other countries' government departments. They engaged in extensive exchanges and discussions centering on smart safe cities and overseas applications of the BeiDou system. These interactions effectively highlighted NORINCO's robust technological prowess in non-traditional security domains, enhanced the value and image of the NORINCO defense brand, expanded the company's influence and leadership in the regional markets, and laid a solid foundation for future market development efforts.

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