News Releases
Two Power Plants of Ethiopian Photovoltaic Micro-grid Project are Put into Operation
Date:2021-04-13 Read times: Font size:[ L M S ]

Recently, the Behima plant, part of the LOT-1 Ethiopian photovoltaic microgrid project of NORINCO International, was put into service, which marks that two plants of the project are officially powered on.

The LOT-1 project, contracted between Ethiopian Power Distribution Company and NORINCO International, includes Beltu and Behima plants, with total capacity of about 0.95MW, and the Beltu Plant has been energized on February 6, 2021.

This project is composed of photovoltaic power generation system, energy storage system, fire-fighting system, remote control and communication system, emergency generation system and service facilities. After completion, the project will supply power to the local residents, promoting the regional economic development.

Since the formal commencement of the project, despite of the rainy season in Ethiopia, the outbreak of COVID-19 epidemic and other disadvantages, Project Department has actively implemented various prevention and control measures and closely cooperated with all contractors to adjust the transportation and construction schemes, and thus they have overcome and solved difficulties such as the shortage of materials for civil construction, delay in equipment transportation, failure of commissioning engineer to arrive at the site on time due to the flight circuit breaker arrangement. Finally, the Behima Plant has been put into operation and completed one-time delivery of current.

The two plants are put into service in a row, indicating that the LOT-1 project is in its phase-out period. Project department will continue to complete the rest of the project with high quality and contribute to the vision of building NORINCO International a world-class engineering company.

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